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Ski and Snow Shoe Trail Network
We maintain over three miles of trails at the tree farm, and we invite you to use them during snow season.
The trails have colored markers that correspond to this printable trail map (which includes trail descriptions). We also has this trail map affixed at trail crossings and in the parking area.
Rules for use:
The trail head parking lot is located at 905 Greenbush Road in Exeter, Maine. Park only in the cleared parking area. We limit the number of parking passes to the number of spaces available, so there is no need to create your own space!
Please stay within the boundaries of the Crocker Family Forest. While exploring is fun, we respect our neighbor's privacy and ask you to do the same. Boundary lines are marked with red or yellow surveyor paint, ribbon and/or signs. If in doubt, stay on the trails.
No motorized vehicles of any kind on our trails!
If walking or snowshoeing on trails with set ski tracks, stay out of the ski tracks.
Please note, no restroom facilities are available, so plan ahead!

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